《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  SAMURAI SPIRITS × GUILTY GEAR!獨眼・獨臂女劍士梅喧參戰!   《Resident Evil》與《黎明死線》合作:6月15日聯手上線   2021年就以休閒鬼太郎打頭陣!新年限定的「新年扭蛋」「2021福袋」等新年活動一齊開跑!   突破驚人的6200萬次下載!日版《貓咪大戰爭》紀念活動確定登場!   2021年起PlayStation開發人員最期待的遊戲   東奧2020開幕式選手入場曲是電玩音樂!《FINAL FANTASY》《魔物獵人》等多款日本代表遊戲主題曲出場!   《原神》將於4月28日登陸PS5,開啟次世代開放世界體驗   PS4與PS5上的《Two Point Campus》讓你隨心所欲建造大學 

iPhone Apps: iGirl

fireshot-capture-486-applications-resistorproductions_com_content_applications_html iGirl Combines Fun and Flirtation to Offer Users a Playful App for Entertainment. The iGirl application consists of a beautiful 3-dimensional female model that can be manipulated by the user to perform various actions, including dancing and speaking. Users can interact with iGirl on their iPhones and iPod Touches by shaking the device and touching the screen. The 3D model's hair color, skin color and clothing can be modified to change her overall appearance. iGirl serves as the perfect virtual companion that you can take with you anywhere. Entertain your friends with iGirl's unique personality and interactivity. More detail: http://resistorproductions.com

