《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  TechnoBlood成立新公司「 TechnoBlood eSports」,旨在擴大電競業務   在《漫威復仇者聯盟》中創造瓦干達的世界   準備迎接PlayStation「2021 Days of Play」社群慶祝活動   《地平線 西域禁地》實體版2021年12月14日起接受預訂   HYDE個人活動20週年紀念遊戲《HYDE RUN》正式發布日確定!同時公開遊戲內畫面預告!   和皮克敏來場1萬步旅行吧!《Pikmin Bloom》即將舉辦首場社群日活動!   咩噗羊&功夫臘腸正式回歸「動物之鬪」!   《對馬戰鬼》《魔物獵人崛起》同獲日本遊戲大賞2021年度首獎! 

MySpace becomes third largest webmail provider

myspacemail I wrote a post about "Gmail users +43%" yesterday morning. But I read some news from TechCrunch today that MySpace build a pretty solid webmail system and probably they will become third largest webmail provider. Also QQ is the fourth in the largest webmail providers competition and it should raise a lot due to rapidly increasing of China internet users penetration. webmail

