《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  「Discord」6週年更新商標設計!微笑圖案的克萊德也換了新風貌!   愛滿點:PlayStation Studios開發團隊分享各自最珍愛的粉絲互動   「Final Fantasy VI」像素重製版發售日期公開!   Razer宣布將推出可同時控制複數裝置燈光效果的「Razer Chroma Addressable RGB Controller」!   《Bugsnax》即將迎來重大更新!   《Godfall》現已登陸PS4,同時推出全新「Fire & Darkness」擴充內容   PlayStation.Blog偕同一眾好友獻上季節祝賀   透過新發表《Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time》深入探討見識PS5強化功能 

TechNow Q1 2009

q1 Technow was built 5 months ago and this is the first complete quarter data which you can see the steady growth. The sudden drop is due to dedicated server migration. It continues to show the trend of digital media is increasing their market share. With 60,146 visits and 100,781 page views in Q1 2009, I would like to share some information we have got here.
  • 75% traffic is from search engine which is a healthy %.
  • Browser choices: IE 64%, firefox 30%, chrome 3%, safari 3%
  • Source to technow: yahoo 38%, google 37%, direct 15%, facebook 2%
  • Keyword to technow: youtube.com.hk 5%, pet society 1%, you tube hk 1%, sony ericsson idou 1%. I do not know why youtube keyword brings us 5% traffic, pretty weird.
  • Country visits: Hong Kong 43192, Taiwan 6528, China 4129, US 1906, Macau 1337
After all, I appreciate the readers continue to support and love to see the trend of digital world.


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