《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  在今春即將問世的PS VR 獨佔遊戲《Winds & Leaves》裡動動自己的雙手來植林   大逃殺手遊「FINAL FANTASY VII THE FIRST SOLDIER」事前登錄人數突破100萬!   不容錯過!E3 2021「SQUARE ENIX PRESENTS SUMMER SHOWCASE」發表內容統整!   在《暗影火炬城》中探索街機式的戰鬥體驗   新《Resident Evil Village》體驗版邀請玩家明日一探蒂米特雷斯庫城堡   是那個擁有烏黑亮麗直髮的男人!「村田」確定參戰「鬼滅之刃 火神血風譚」!   《Oddworld: Soulstorm》將於4月6日登上PS4和PS5   動畫化與遊戲化!以東京山手線各站為靈感的偶像計畫「STATION IDOL LATCH」啟動! 

2nd Hong Kong Digital Advertising Industry Fresh Graduate Support Scheme Program 2015 – 3rd Career Talk

Senior management from digital advertising companies are coming to share with you on the industry development trends, types of jobs that are available in the market, as well as job requirements and career prospects of the industry. Come to join us to get the up-to-date industry news! Date: 27 May 2015 (Wednesday) Time: 18:30 – 20:30 Venue: Room LT-12, Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong Language: Cantonese Free-of-Charge Enquiry Contact: Ms. Sheryl Wong Tel: 2788 5669 Email: [email protected]
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